Maintenance, Healthy Lawn

March 26, 2018

When to Fertilize Your Northeast Ohio Lawn

There’s always those lawns that stick out in your Northeast Ohio neighborhood—the ones that remain lush and thick throughout every season. Chances are that these healthy, green landscapes are a product of fertilization.

At the heart of a healthy lawn is healthy soil. While soil can naturally lose important nutrients over time, fertilizer offers the benefit of replenishing these nutrients for deep grass roots and strong blades. This not only provides you with a lawn that is more visually appealing but also one that can withstand various stresses, whether it’s heat or family activities.

For this process to be most effective, it’s important to know when to fertilize your Northeast Ohio lawn. The answer involves a multi-step approach.

When to Fertilize Your Lawn

After dormant season, your Northeast Ohio lawn wakes up looking for nutrients. To strengthen its roots and get things off to a good start, you’ll want to first apply fertilizer as grass turns greens and starts to actively grow. This is typically in the early spring months—around the same time your grass is ready to be mowed for the first time.

By late spring, your lawn becomes busier and begins to use up more of its stored energy. An additional application of fertilizer during this time can help keep your lawn tough and well nourished. The same can be said for the summer, where applying fertilizer can protect against heat and drought as well as address insect issues.

Additional applications come in the fall when your lawn needs to prepare for the winter months ahead. Fertilizing your lawn at this point will help increase nitrogen storage during the dormant season and produce a healthier lawn come the following spring.

Green Impressions Knows When to Fertilize

Your lawn is the welcome mat to your home. By making proper fertilization part of your lawn care plan, you can ensure that your landscape makes the right impression throughout every season—all while keeping your property strong and safe.

Rather than worrying about when to fertilize, you can turn to Green Impressions for your lawn care needs. Our custom maintenance packages include a series of fertilizer treatments that can improve your turf health and create a more optimal outdoor living space.

Ready to take the next step? Request a free consultation today.



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