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Installing and Winterizing Your Pondless Water Feature
A pondless water feature is usually a pond that does not have any water showing but has an ample supply of water below the surface. The pondless feature is created by digging a large hole. The size of the hole or pond depends on the size of your pump circulating your water feature. The larger the hole or water storage area lessens the times you will have to fill it. Water loss usually is due to evaporation, warm water in a cool air. Water loss also happens when the water is running over warm rocks heated by the sun.
The pond basin itself usually is lined with a heavy felt under lament. This felt is to help prevent cuts in the rubber liner from stone, metal, glass or any other sharp objects. The rubber liner is installed over the felt. The rubber liner also can run up and over the ground above the pond for a stream or waterfall into the basin.
The next step is finding a container to set your pump. The container should be large enough to be able to disconnect the pump from the hose to pull it out to clean the filter about four times a year. The ideal container should have a cover to be able to cover it with stones to hide it. Connect your supply line to the pump and secure the pump container by holding it for the next step.
The plastic catch basin should be placed in the desired spot in you pond basin. The basin should be filled with a roll of slotted flexible drain tile around the pump container. The drain tile should come to the top of the pump container.
The drain tile gives the pond basin a hard structure to place river stone, flat rocks and boulders too make the pond look natural. If the tile is installed correctly you can safely walk over your pondless water feature! The stone over the drain tile will wash off nicely and the water will clear up in a couple of days. One of the best features is easy leaf cleanup. The water feature should be turned off then the leaves could be easily be blown off.
The pump should be removed about four times a year and the filter should be washed. The impeller should also be checked for debris. If your pump is at least two feet below ground level you should not have to remove it during the winter.
Running the water feature during the winter months can create some interesting ice formations. Make sure that the water level stays high enough with the winter ice formations because the formations reduce the amount of water in the basin.